
A Modest Proposal—How Cigar Cutters Can Save the Environment

An inability to acknowledge that one has been wrong is one of the reasons this culture is killing the planet. Collectively, we cannot simply acknowledge that, as Jared Diamond has said (and many others also have made clear), agriculture was (and continues to be) the worst mistake humans have ever made. Agriculture, then civilization, then […]

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Norris Thomlinson January 24th, 2012 Filed in Essays No Responses

Rendre l’écologie « fun et sexy »

ou comment la frivolité nuit à la résistance En guise d’introduction, il me faut préciser : j’aime m’amuser, et j’aime le sexe. Mais je suis écœuré d’entendre que nous devons rendre l’écologie fun et sexy. Cette idée malavisée, irrespectueuse envers les victimes humaines et non-humaines de cette culture, est une énorme distraction qui nous fait […]

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Norris Thomlinson January 1st, 2012 Filed in Français No Responses

Not In My Name

Let me say upfront: I like fun, and I like sex. But I’m sick to death of hearing that we need to make environmentalism fun and sexy. The notion is wrongheaded, disrespectful to the human and nonhuman victims of this culture, an enormous distraction that wastes time and energy we don’t have and undermines whatever […]

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Norris Thomlinson January 1st, 2012 Filed in Essays No Responses

Time to dismantle the corporate state

Too often too many of us pretend we live in democracies, though most of us know that we actually live in democracy’s toxic mimic: something that has the form yet perverts the content of what it pretends to be. I’ve asked thousands of people a simple question: Who, in their opinion, do governments take better […]

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Norris Thomlinson January 1st, 2012 Filed in Essays No Responses